Beware of Discount Store Safes
Rockford IL Loves Park IL

Home Discount Stores fire safes offer little or no protection from burglary. In fact, burglars have been able to open these home discount store safes in less then one seconds with no sign of forced entry and we have seen just how they do it.
Call us today for a fireproof and burglary rated safe you can have confidence in! (815) 963-0495
M. Spinello and Son Locksmiths offer fire burglary rated safes that are specifically made to protect your valuables from fire and burglary.
Call M. Spinello and Son Locksmiths today at (815) 963-0495 for a real fire and burglary rated safe. Only one location at 522 Chestnut St, Rockford, IL West of the Rock River in the downtown business district. Serving Rockford, Loves Park, Machesney Park, IL and surrounding areas since 1905.